
Local Events

Discover the pulse of our vibrant community through a diverse array of exciting local events in the Chequamegon Bay area. From festive celebrations of our culture, art classes to live music and more, there's something for everyone in Washburn. Join us in making memories, honoring traditions, and connecting with the community as we come together to enjoy our unique area. Check out our calendar of local events to stay in the know and experience the heart of Chequamegon Bay.

Demystifying Strategic Planning for Small Non-Profits

Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center 29270 County Road G, Ashland

Demystifying Strategic Planning for Small Non-Profit Orgs Are you frustrated by board meetings that seem to go nowhere? Is your group spending a lot of time talking without making meaningful headway on goals? Does it ever feel like folks aren't pulling in the same direction? These are often signs that your organization is in need ...

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